Present your brand highlighted on thousands of pages
Be the first to be found by interested parties
Get more visitors and leads!
“ATTENTION (!) is considered being the most important currency on the internet. We have analysed the changing user behavior on the web and found ‘TOP BRAND’ the perfect solution for you to attract more attention to your brand on FranchisePORTAL.
The add-on ‘TOP-BRAND’- LABEL draws the attention of potential founders to your brand page on several thousand pages with over 80,000 visits per month!
Technically spoken: more impressions = more leads = higher expansion.
Steffen Kessler, CEO FranchisePORTAL
‘TOP-BRAND’-Label at a glance:
- Highlighting as ‘TOP-BRAND’ on several thousand pages, in matching search results and on
- Maximum visibility with over 80,000 visits per month
- Potential franchisees see your brand before others
- More visitors to your brand page and more leads
How does the presentation as ‘TOP-BRAND’ work?
- The number of ‘TOP-BRANDS’ is strictly limited to a maximum of 30 brands
- Visitors get up to 6 ‘TOP-BRANDS’ displayed immediately
- Click on “Show more” to display ALL other ‘TOP-BRANDS’
- The order changes randomly for each visitor, so that all brands have the same chance to be at the top
- The ‘TOP-BRANDS’ displayed react to the filters set by the visitor (e.g. by equity)
- Only the ‘TOP-BRANDS’ from the chosen sector are displayed on sector pages